Fall 2022 (36.3)

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Fall 2022 issue of the journal! The highlight of this issue is a book symposium organized by Ana Tanasoca and John S. Dryzek on Democratizing Global Justice, featuring contributions by Terry Macdonald and Kate MacDonald, Eva Erman, and Ana Tanasoca and John S. Dryzek. Additionally, the issue includes a feature article by Felix Bender on political refugeehood, and an essay by Jonathan Becker on the global liberal arts challenge. The issue also contains a review essay by James Pattison on Ukraine, intervention and the post-liberal world order, and book reviews by Joslyn BarnhartOumar Ba, and Daniel E. Esser.


The Global Liberal Arts Challenge
Jonathan Becker


Introduction: Democratizing Global Justice
Ana Tanasoca and John S. Dryzek

NGOs as Agents of Global Justice: Cosmopolitan Activism for Political Realists
Terry Macdonald and Kate Macdonald

On the Relationship between Global Justice and Global Democracy: A Three-Layered View
Eva Erman

Determining Vaccine Justice in the Time of COVID-19: A Democratic Perspective
Ana Tanasoca and John S. Dryzek


What’s Political about Political Refugeehood? A Normative Reappraisal
Felix Bender


Ukraine, Intervention, and the Post-Liberal Order
James Pattison


The Origins of Overthrow: How Emotional Frustration Shapes US
Regime Change Interventions

Payam Ghalehdar
Review by Joslyn Barnhart

Saving the International Justice Regime: Beyond Backlash against International Courts
Courtney Hillebrecht
Review by Oumar Ba

International Development Cooperation Today: A Radical Shift towards a Global Paradigm
Patrick Develtere, Huib Huyse, and Jan Van Ongevalle
Review by Daniel E. Esser

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